What is “Standard Program”.?
This includes four months of Weight trimming Program and two months of Stabilization Program.The Standard Program will help cleanse the body systems and produce a weight loss about 25 to 62.5 P. (this will depend on the individual)
What is “Intense Program” ?
If you need to lose more than that you can extend the treatment to the Intense Program.This is another six-month treatment course and it must be taken two or three months after completing ” The Standard program”..After that your body will have adjusted to its new weight. When taking the Intense Program, you can use the same instructions as for the Standard Program
What is ” Mini Program ” ?
Some people wanting to lose only about 15 – 25 P.can use a four-month treatment course – the MINI Program. This treatment includes two months of Weight Trimming Program and two months of Stabilisation Program.
What is ” Mild Program ” ?
This program is designed for people who wanted a 5 – 7.5 P. within 3 months. First month of Weight Trimming and last two months for Weight Stabilization Program.